"So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."  John 8:36

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AC Adult Child

The Problem

of a Recovering
Adult Child

Quick Reminders
Critical Times



Quick Reminders for Critical Times

I'm not responsible for somebody else's feelings.
(Don't take on the guilt from others.)

Get rid of the grave - clothes
(Old stuff that hinders you.)

Put Things at the throne and work at leaving them there.
(Let go, let GOD.)

Give People "permission" to be who they are, because we can't change them anyway.
(Acceptance - increases your peace.)

Let the LORD have control - He is allowing these things to happen, so don't get too caught up with what the devil may be doing.
(Increase your faith - all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called to for his purpose.)

"That Is not from GOD" Come against it! - Become a strong person of God and let the flesh fall off.
(The enemy sometimes keeps coming against you with fears, learn to quickly recognize him and come against him in the name of JESUS!)

Say to the little girl inside you, I am not going to subject you to that anymore.
(Learn to protect yourself - know where it is safe to be vulnerable.)

People sometimes use Scripture to "PATCH UP HURTS"
(Form of denial - instead of dealing with feelings.)

This is on DRY GROUND.
(I don't have the fullness of the spirit, the drive to help can be so strong, that it can dull the voice of GOD! Maybe He does not want you to minister to that person.)

When we are ANGRY, we can't blame anyone else - it is something in us.
(Why are we reacting so strongly? What feelings? Old hurt? Is being touched? Why do we get so angry?)

You can feel good about your own choices as you grow!
Sometime people just don't have anything to give!

Communicate.  People walk around assuming what each other think. They don't share their feelings!
(It is impossible to read someone else's mind - must ask them.)

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