
Substance Abuse Workbook
This 12-Step workbook includes scriptures and questions that relate to each step. Also, available in Spanish, Russian, Dutch and Swedish.
Item P001
Suggested Donation: $8.00

Family Members Workbook
The Family Workbook also includes scriptures and questions for each step as well as helps for the family member.
Item P002
Suggested Donation: $8.00

Adult Child Workbook
The Adult Child Workbook includes scriptures and questions for each step that relate to adult child issues.
Item P003
Suggested Donation: $8.00
This booklet gives a basic overview of what Alcoholics for Christ Ministry is about.
Item P004 [Bundle of 25]
Suggested Donation: $2.50
How to order
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To order, please call the following number:
+1 (248) 981-8263
Please allow 15 days for delivery